and Oratory

We echo your ideas.
We echo your projects.

Què fem?

What do we do?
We reconnect you with your audience.

Qui som?

Who are we?

We are professionals trained in values and skills at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF, Barcelona). We have acquired experience by working in Public Institutions as well as in powerful companies in the Private Sector.

We met at Pati dels Tarongers in Generalitat de Catalunya and now, from ECO, we do our best to make your ideas have an impact on people’s thoughts.

Com ho fem?

How do we do it?

The mountain views from Ecos de Montserrat are unique, just like our clients. To reach these heights we have developed a method based on our experience, rigor, efficiency and discretion. That’s why when we begin a journey with our clients, we put our bodies and souls into resolving doubts and forming a team.

ECO's Corner
March 27, 2024

Què s'ha dit al Ple del Parlament de Catalunya (XIII legislatura, 2021-2024)?

Des d’ECO ens hem volgut centrar en què s’ha dit al Ple del Parlament en aquests 3 anys de...

February 19, 2024

De l'Speakers' Corner a l'ECO's Corner

Una plaça. Un tamboret. I una opinió a manifestar. Aquests són els tres ingredients necessaris per...

February 01, 2024

EstratECO: Intel·ligència política per campanyes i gabinets

Si pensem en el dia a dia d’un càrrec públic i del seu gabinet, des de fora creiem que és una...

At Hyde Park in London we can find the Speakers’ Corner, an area where free speech, open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed. You just need to get on a stool and start speaking. And this is our Speakers’ Corner, our own stool from which we can express our opinions and reports about current events.